Coup, Coup….Say it twice before you think
what "ships full of weapons" means in terms of volume and weight; ...smuggled through military controls and customs checkpoints always
full of corrupt Latino employees, vatos locos hungry for sex, drugs and
alcohol, across the craziest borders, trying to find the damned Iquique
seaport of the sea-less Bolivia. Pablo Villegas N., 2/1/2019
"Clearly, you are not aware of what the Constitution of Bolivia says,…"i
...M. Ríosii stated in an open letter to Senator Ron Paul, who is far from being a quack, but now he says there was a coup in Bolivia without sufficient knowledge. He is not alone in that. A broad spectrum of authors and politicians rushed to do so. Lets try to discover their foundations.
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard posted: “What happened in Bolivia is a coup.”iii Laura Carlsen from the prestigious FPIF wrote: “The events and the aftermath tell a clear story: There was a coup in Bolivia,...”iv Dan Koval from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law said: " the days go on more and more evidence is mounting that the US and the OAS was behind the coup...”v
You may think they later substantiated what they said.
You're wrong.
Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashadvi came out with a manifesto stating that:
“Sections of the armed forces – including the police – have openly indicated that they are willing to allow fascistic militia groups to attack the presidential palace in La Paz.”vii
You may think they explained which sections of the armed forces, which fascistic militia, which sources they have used.
You’re wrong again.
Senator Bernie Sanders pointing to the alleged military character of the coup declared:
“...the military, after weeks of political unrest, intervened to remove President Evo Morales”.viii Then he elaborated a little more: "... it was the military who intervened in that process and asked him to leave. When the military intervenes, …., in my view, that's called a 'coup,'”ix
What "in my view" means is “I’m speculating” instead of referring to Bolivian or international legislation.x
Is any military intervention a coup, Mr. Sanders?
Is any military intervention a coup, Mr. Sanders?
To be clear, we are not talking about any military intervention but a coup d'etat; we refer to the government, to take power to govern the country, which means that a military coup is for the military to take over the government. So, where are the military in the government?xi By the way, some stated that the new regime “eliminated separation of church and state,...” well, where is the church in the state then? what Christian Church is it about?
Does any military intervention means coup d'etat?
What if the military must enforce the Constitution and the President violates it? Does that mean the restitution of the law is a coup and, therefore, it is illegal to restore it?
To avoid this chatter, we take the OAS Democratic Charter.xii
Whats a coup?
Among the essential elements for democracy, the Chart cites the “access to power and its exercise subject to the rule of law” (Art. 3)
Then, the question is, who accessed -or tried to- power by subverting the rule of law?
The military, the church? It appears not to be so.
The OAS based on its audit of the 20/10 elections, established that Morales made a coup by committing fraud ( order to access power, of course).xiii Nevertheless the team of hurried "coup labelers” is in no hurry to take into account the OAS audit, nor the European Union’s report either. Some of them, included Morales, cited a report from the “Center for Economic Policy Research in Washington” denying the fraud.xiv No matter how valuable it may be, in the first place, it is far from the methodological standard of the OAS report (I give them a hint:...“fieldwork”); second, it’s is the official report, it was agreed between the OAS and Morales that promised to accept the results, but he didn't. Avoiding the OAS report is willful ignorance.
Not a problem of democracy but of militant strategy
With regards to Morales intention to run for a fourth mandate despite being prohibited by the Constitution: to Sanders the question is “...whether that was a wise thing to do.”xv to FPIF’s Carlsen, Morales decision: “ seek a fourth term after losing a reform referendum was extremely costly”xvi.
It is just a matter of "wise" and "costly", not of legality or democracy. That is pure militant strategy. It is a problem of conception of democracy. According to Carlsen:
“Democracy does not exist when an individual from a party that has never won more than 5 percent of the vote, who is fifth in the line of constitutional succession, takes power in a country where the army is in the streets. Yet this is Jeanine Añez,...”xvii
The question is whether Bolivian law is based on Carlsen's same criteria; which, by the way, shouldn’t be intended for a normal electoral succession, but for the case of the first 4 state authorities resignation. It would be unprofessional for an international relations expert not to ask herself this question and to try to set the requirements and procedures for Bolivia to proclaim a new president.
The award-winning journalist Reese Erlich says:
“In 2016, by a narrow margin, Bolivians voted down a referendum that would have eliminated presidential term limits. But in 2017, Bolivia's Constitutional Court ruled that term limits were in violation of the Organization of American States (OAS) treaty on human rights, clearing the way for Morales to run again.”xviiiHow much should “narrow” be to not be narrow? Here "narrow margin" means the winner is not the winner. Moreover, it is not strange for Ehrlich that the court granted Bolivia’s most powerful man the "human right" to fuck up the vote of the population. That’s pure militant strategy trampling democracy. You want more?
Morales fourth term is justified because he:
“... had not groomed a successor who could maintain party unity.” "Morales was the glue that held everything together,..."This means democracy’s rules and institutions must conform to the fact that the king has no successor!
The defendant's reputation makes probing needless
Instead of obeying the conclusions of the OAS audit, Morales accused the OAS of executing a coup by publishing the audit earlier than agreed. How did that constitute a coup? Anyway, the published agreement had no deadline.xix
Nevertheless that inculpation easily brought to mind the interventions of the US in Latin America, but historical record does not necessarily constitute evidence. Inversely, doubting the evidence does not constitute the denial of the historical record. Let's see how authors handle the issue.
In 2007,
“The U.S. embassy supported the civic committee of Santa Cruz and other opposition groups, betting on the balkanization of the country.” says Carlsen.Then she jumps to the year 2013 and refers to some alleged agents of the US conspiration, among them General Kaliman, who:
“...was sent as a military ataché to Washington in 2013 and previously trained at the infamous School of the Americas.xx
To be accurate, the year 2013 means that Kaliman was sent by Morales, who later put him at the head of the army. He was not the only graduate of the infamous School in the Government. So was also the Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramón Quintana that curiously is not mentioned here. Obviously, these "infamous" were trusted thugs of the government. If Kaliman was disloyal and the other wasn’t, you can't blame the school, but not doing so ruins your anti-imperialist look. That's why Quintana wasn't mentioned.
![]() |
Morales in forest firefighter clothing in the Chiquitania |
Now it's Erlich's turn:
“In 2005, I reported from Bolivia on the popular movements opposed to then President Carlos Mesa. The rich elite who ran Bolivia in those days (Means 2005) followed U.S.-inspired neoliberal economic policies by privatizing government-owned companies, even those providing drinking water and sewage lines.xxii
It must be this sort of reporters that coax nice gringos into fucking everything up abroad. Consolidation and fall are different stages in history, so in 2005, the privatization policy has already been fulfilled, and rather it was about to fall. The opposition -seen in a longer perspective than press correspondents usually do-, was properly not against Mesa government, a transitional one like Añez's. Everyone errs though, even historian Vijay Prashad. Guess what he says on the lithium and the coup:
"After the coup, Tesla's actions rose astronomically."
About Bolivia’s economical history he says: "At the beginning, they were tin companies,..."xxiii Yeah! So it all started there! There you have the qualifications of the "coup-labelers” tribe.
I dealt with these quotes because this collage of historical clippings centered on the defendant's bad reputation could lead you to overlook the need for probing. Maybe it's the goal.
Finally, the A-86 Smart conspiration in Bolivia
“For over a decade, the US embassy’s Center of Operations in La Paz has articulated the fact that it has two plans – Plan A, the coup; Plan B, assassination of Morales.”xxiv
This inspires me certain questions:
Why do Plans A and B have to be executed separately?
If Plan B occurs when the coup fails, wouldn't it be good to do it again (the coup, of course)?
Shouldn't this enable a Plan C?
Now we’ll see someone technically more capable, although not politically.
Mr., “ROGHK” discovered that the US embassy in La Paz was handling everything.xxv Before the October elections he wrote:
“From the territory of the United States a coup d’état against the Bolivian president Evo Morales develops gradually,... to be carried out at the end of 2019 presumably after the elections and March 2020.”
“Its main operatives are the Bolivian politicians, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, Manfred Reyes Villa, Mario Cossio and Carlos Sánchez Berzain, all residents in the USA”xxvi
In a posterior article, he was more precise (but didn't correct Cossio’s address):
“If Evo Morales wins the elections,... a civic-military transition government will be put in its place. The transition governments headquarters will be established in Santa Cruz in order to consolidate the plans of dividing the country...”.
And what about destructive power?
"Ships full of weapons have secretly making trips from the US, specifically Miami, to the port of Iquique (Bolivia), which is close to the border with Chile."xxvii
First we address the problem of the ships as follows:
Imagine what "ships full of weapons" means in terms of volume and weight; how many trucks would be needed to transport that secret cargo. How it would be smuggled through military controls and customs checkpoints always full of corrupt Latino employees, vatos locos hungry for sex, drugs and alcohol, across the craziest borders, trying to find the damned Iquique seaport of the sea-less Bolivia. Then, upon arrival, (if you managed to agree with the Chileans about the nationality of Iquique), imagine hiding all that shit in the white city of Santa Cruz, where white religious fundamentalists spend their time preaching and shouting “Jesus” all over the streets while spying on people and houses.
Otherwise, it seems that weapons also came from Argentina. Juan Grabois denounced that the brigade of Argentine firefighters sent to Bolivia to the Chiquitania wildfires, carried suspicious boxes that were loaded into Argentine air force planes.xxviii Asked in an interview (11-12-19) if he saw its contents, he said no, but they were suspicious anyway.xxix Moreover this coincided with Ivanka Trump's visit to the Argentine lithium region where she donated money for roads construction. Seemingly, Morales also suspected, as he hindered humanitarian aid for Chiquitania to enter the country. The new government discovered trucks loaded with humanitarian aid held inhumanly in
To find out if the findings cited here were correct, just ask a few questions:
Did they happen?
Has a transitional government been established in Santa Cruz?
Has the country been divided?
You have the answers!
Remember that the time for this to happen is until March 2020, so don't be late if you want to join!!.
Remember that the time for this to happen is until March 2020, so don't be late if you want to join!!.
To conclude, ...
Just one question: how do they manage?
To take a stand on the legality of the new government, one has to review some boring pages on legislation; However, it is obvious that our authors did not give a damn about knowing it, nor about the facts either, which they handle as is done in the advertising sector with the sole purpose of selling, without any responsibility for the consequences of their nonsense for the country in question.
No matter how the dog barks, it always belongs to his master.
i Mauricio
Ríos G.: “An open letter to Dr Ron Paul about the coup that
wasn’t in Bolivia”.,
ii In
case you wonder who this Ríos is, you should first ask if he is
iii Tulsi
Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) November 22, 2019
Laura Carlsen: What’s Happening In Bolivia Is a Violent Right-Wing
Coup FPIF, 20-11-19
v Full
Show: OAS, MSM behind Bolivia coup – professor. RT, 26/11/2019
Vijay Prashad
. As multinacionais, o valioso lítio da Bolívia e a urgência de
um golpe. CLACSO, 14/11/2019
Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad: We Stand Against the Coup in
Bolivia. Peoples Dispatch, 9-11-19
ix Marika
Malaea: Bernie Sanders Is the Only Presidential Candidate to Call
Bolivia President's Ouster a 'Coup', 11/19/19
x For
a matter of space I wont discuss their handling of the facts.
xii Carta
Democrática Interamericana. Vigésimo Octavo Período
Extraordinario De Sesiones. OEA, 11/9/2001, Lima,
Laura Carlsen: What’s Happening In Bolivia Is a Violent Right-Wing
Coup FPIF, 20-11-19
Reese Erlich What's Next for Bolivia After Military Coup? Common
Dreams, 30-11-19
xix To
download the agreement:
Laura Carlsen: Op. Cit.
acaba de incinerar una Costa Rica.
Millon de
Hectáreas de
Bosque Quemadas y
Todo Bajo Control.
Reese Erlich: Op. Cit.
xxiii More
Prashad’s collages:
“Morales Vice President Álvaro García Linera said lithium would be "the fuel that fuels the world."
So lithium is a fuel!!??
“Jindal Steel, an Indian transnational corporation, had an old contract to explore iron ore at El Mutun, which was suspended by the Morales government in 2007.. In June 2012, Jindal Steel terminated the contract, …”
The Mining Ministry of the then Morales
government does not agree with Prashad. According its official
“On July 18, 2007, the contract between the Iron and Steel Company of Mutún (ESM), a state company with the Jindal Steel Bolivia, is signed.” (Empresa Siderúrgica Del Mutun – Jindal Steel Bolivia Seguirán El Arbitraje Bocamina Comibol 21/11/2018)
xxiv Noam
Chomsky and Vijay Prashad: Op.cit.
xxv I
found him/her
thanks to the traces
left by
Jalife, and it was fun.
ROGHK: “US Hands Against Bolivia. Part I”., 8/10/2019
ROGHK: “The US Embassy in La Paz continues carrying out covert
actions in Bolivia to support the coup d’état against the
President Evo Morales.”,
Golpe contra Evo. El trasfondo de la tensión entre Bolivia y
Estados Unidos por el litio., 13/11/19
xxix Radio
cut Argentina, 11-12-19
Fiscalía secuestra materiales y medicamentos almacenados en
Aduana; donativo estaba destinado a los afectados por incendios.
PAT, 27/11/2019